The project on the description of Yucatec Maya makes the Grammar of modern Yucatec Maya by Manuel Andrade available online here for the first time. Up to 12.10.2008, the work had been available only as a microfilm:

Andrade, Manuel J. 1955, A grammar of Modern Yucatec. Chicago: University of Chicago Library (Microfilm Collection of Manuscripts on Middle American Cultural Anthropology, 41).

We acquired a printout of the microfilm and typed it into an HTML file (scanning and text recognition proved impossible). We offer two versions of Andrade's work here:

Any comments on this work, including help with passages we have been unable to decipher or which may be faulty in the original, will be highly welcome.

The team that copied the typescript and processed the file was composed of the following persons:

stud. phil. Henrike Frye
Tina König B.A.
stud. phil. Laura Lubinski
stud. phil. Ulrike Nüsslein
stud. phil. Friederike Seyfried

Erfurt, 04.12.2008
Christian Lehmann