As noted repeatedly, the purpose of the morphological gloss is to elucidate morphological structure. Syntactic structure is annotated systematically in a different line of linguistic representation (or annotation). Nevertheless, it is occasionally desirable to mark off constituents of a certain category, for instance subordinate clauses, in an example. This is done by enclosing, in the gloss line, the representation of the syntagma in question in brackets, as shown in . The closing bracket may be indexed by a subscript representing a syntactic category.

Tamil[ carpenterbeat:PST-PART ]Swasher
washer whom the carpenter beat (Asher 1982:28)

Since the brackets provide information on grammatical structure, their place is in the gloss line. They are not repeated in T.

Rule 27. Constituent structure may be indicated by square brackets ([]) in the morphological gloss.
The closing bracket may be indexed by a subscript representing a syntactic category.